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Have a story about your experience with Red Tail Wellness? We want to hear about it. We do our best to verify all reviews and to make sure that they are coming from authentic sources. So, please understand when we ask you questions about your experience with Red Tail Wellness.

Tell Us About Your Experience with Red Tail Wellness!

We want to know about your experience with Red Tail Wellness. We will review everything that we publish with you before publishing, so remaining anonymous is not an issue. Your story could help another potential patient decide on whether or not this functional medicine provider is worth it. Regardless of whether or not you have had a positive or negative experience, please let us know!

Bold Claims, that need to be researched...

We will provide more examples of some of the very bold claims that are being made with Red Tail Wellness advertising. Is it accurate? Are there patients that have overcome diabetes through Red Tail Wellness programs? Please tell us!

If we can find just one patient to claim that they have overcome diabetes thanks to Red Tail Wellness, we would like to publish it right here!

Of course any reviews that we find where this claim has been established, we will publish right here.